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Ms. Sherry McMenemy (MA 1998)

Christine Fischer Guy     After undergraduate and graduate studies, and some time in the workforce, Sherry McMenemy (MA 1998) came to Waterloo to pursue a Master’s degree in the RPW Program. Her studies led her to her current role in knowledge management, a field that didn’t exist when she graduated from high school or from her BA degree.

     Sherry counts herself lucky to have been a student in the co-op program, although she admits that she didn’t think so at first. After completing the interviews for her first co-op placement, Sherry found nothing that matched her interests. But in the second round of hiring, her luck improved. She applied to be a technical writer with Campana, the company that subsequently hired her for every one of her co-op terms. At the end of her degree, she took a full-time position as a Technical Writer there. She describes the job as a “great match and a real learning opportunity.”

     Since then, Sherry has worked in many areas, including Intranet management, user experience design, training, project management, and knowledge management. Until recently, Sherry worked for Agfa HealthCare, building their enterprise knowledge management program. She now works at Sandvine as the Director of Knowledge Management, where she's looking forward to extending their knowledge management program.

     As an English student, Sherry learned how to bridge talk between engineers and end users (who come from very different backgrounds and areas of expertise compared to engineers), a skill she uses daily. Her role as a communicator “has to do with understanding language in a professional environment. In my line of work there is a great deal of attention paid to technical communication, information architecture, other business writing, content management and knowledge management.” She describes her role as facilitating the communication between the company and its customers.