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Lindy Ledohowski

What are you currently reading?

Since I'm currently reading quite a fair bit that is related to work,  I'll just respond with the book that is my current "fun" reading that  I engage in before I go to bed:  Steven Erickson, Dust of Dreams (Book 9 in the Malazan Empire series, some of the best epic fantasy fiction that I have read in a long, long time).

What are your five favourite texts?

Only five?  Okay, here goes: 

What are the top five texts that you find to be the most useful for teaching?

If you define "useful" as "fun" and "enjoyable" then these are on my  list: 

What texts have you had the most fun researching?

Probably the works by Canadian authors Lisa Grekul, Myrna Kostash, and Janice Kulyk Keefer because my research on texts by these authors has  brought me into contact with them as people, and they are generous with their time and insights in ways that I would never have expected. Even when they disagree with the ways I read their texts, we can  have fruitful discussions; the kind only possible with living authors!

What would you be if you weren't an English professor?

An author; an independent communications consultant; a lady of leisure; a professional triathlete; the principal of my own independent Humanities Academy; a screen-writer; the owner-operator of my own pub/ many options, so little time...